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Digital Consultancy Project & Training Programme 
Google Mondays Webinar Series

Knauf Aquapanel is a leading manufacturer of building materials worldwide, running more than 150 production sites around the globe.




  • CLIENT: Knauf GmbH 


  • PROJECT: Digital Consultancy 


  • COURSE: Google Mondays Webinars 


  • FORMAT: Face to Face & Online  


  • PARTNERS: Knauf GmbH, Google Digital Academy 

Partnership with Knauf For 4 Years

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Google Mondays Webinar Agenda

Branded ‘Google Mondays’, we developed and delivered a series of 8 weekly webinars, each lasting 2.5 hours. 

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We made the programme highly practical and interactive: presenting keynote sessions, in-webinar group activities using an interactive whiteboard and post-webinar activities, videos and best practice materials hosted on our Learning Management System.

Rob worked with us as a facilitator on a large, high-profile project for Google. His personability, proficiency and adaptability stood out as key skills which meant Rob’s deliveries sit right at the top of our most successful workshops.


Learning Outcomes

Knauf has launched customer segmentation, journey mapping, data strategy, CRM and digital skills initiatives - all inspired by the Burn the Sky training programme

Joris Merks-Benjaminsen, Head of Google Digital Academy 


Get in touch with us today to see what we can do for you.

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